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Kommentare zu Bildern von Laurence Sly, Seite 4

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E.405 015 & 186 281 of RTC stand side by side in the maintenance depot at Brennero, 26 March 2014 (zum Bild)

Hans-Gerd Seeliger 13.4.2014 12:38
Hallo Laurence,
ein aussergewöhnliches Foto, welches mir sehr gut gefällt.
Viele Grüsse

Horst Lüdicke 14.4.2014 12:29
Wow, great picture!
Gruß Horst

A class E.464 heads south past Aldeno whilst working Regionale train10919, 1336 Bolzano-Verona P.N, 24 March 2014 (zum Bild)

Thomas Wendt 13.4.2014 8:49
A stunning foto!

1116 089 approaches Sankt Jodok whilst working EC88, 0931 Munich-Bologna Centrale, 24 March 2014 (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 11.4.2014 14:10
Schön - auch wenn man sich nun auf die buntere Jahreszeit freut...
einen lieben Gruss

185 161 and 189 927 haul a heavy cargo train north past Sankt Jodok, 25 March 2014 (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 5.4.2014 17:56
"Zebras" mitten in der Wintertraumlandschaft - wenn das kein märchenhaftes Bild ist...
Gruss Stefan

Armin Schwarz 5.4.2014 19:17
Gruß Armin

Frank Paukstat 6.4.2014 16:04
Very nice picture!
Greetz Frank

Olli 6.4.2014 16:17
Winter??? Er war tatsächlich da? Sehr schönes Bild!
Gruß, Olli

Lokomotions` 185 664 approaches Sankt Jodok with a southbound freight train, 24 March 2014 (zum Bild)

Armin Schwarz 5.4.2014 19:17
Wunderschönes Bild.
Gruß Armin

D.214 4091, D.345 1052 & E.632 007 stabled round the turntable at Torino Smistamento, 6 November 2012 (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 12.2.2014 20:02

E.636 002 stabled Torino Smistamento, 6 November 12 (zum Bild)

Armin Schwarz 12.2.2014 19:38
great pictures from Italy.
Greeting Armin

E.444 046 approaches Cervo whilst working Inter City train 742, the 1110 Milano Centrale-Ventimiglia, 13 March 2012 (zum Bild)

Stephan Kainberger 8.2.2014 14:20

Herrliches Küstenflair, mit Bahn verbunden !! :-) ...

LG Stephan

An unidentified D.445 propels Regionale train 11786 through the Tuscan hills near Ponte D`arbia, 14 April 2013 (zum Bild)

Matthias Hartmann 5.2.2014 16:28
A beautiful landscape photo with the regional train.

Best Regards

Leaving a trail of limestone dust, E.655 514 passes Vada whilst working SerFer train 56625 from Rosignano to San Vincenzo, 15 April 2013 (zum Bild)

Herbert Pfoser 5.2.2014 16:03
Tolles Bild aus Italien - der nächste Frühling wird bald kommen.
L.G, Herbert

E.655 264 approaches San Vincenco with a southbound freight train, 15 April 2013 (zum Bild)

Olli 4.2.2014 0:20
Beautiful with a very different flair.

D.445 1130 passes Montebello Due whilst working Regional train 11749, 1210 Firenze S.M.N-Siena, 13 April 2013 (zum Bild)

Olli 3.2.2014 22:14
Perfect, on train just escaped the foto cloud before meeting its collegue... Nice series from Italy.
Cheers, Olli

PS. Maybe it is possible to publish the pictures without the eyecatching copyright. Those beautiful pictures deserve an undistracted sight of the viewer. Pictures on this site are copyrighted to the publisher in any case. Unless you are a professional photographer, a presumable misuse (if any occurs at all) should not really matter. Another possibility would be placing the copyright in a white frame.

Laurence Sly 3.2.2014 23:37
Thanks Olli,

I`ve only started adding my name recently because of the very issues you mentioned.

Someone was saving my pictures from Flickr and then uploading them to a Facebook group!

I`ll try it in white perhaps.


Olli 4.2.2014 0:09
Hi Laurence, since you are using only 1024x736 of the possible 1200x1024 Pixels, there is lots of room around the pic for a white frame. This will appear unvisible, but the lettering inside the frame is connected to the pic. That also helps to prevent stealing. However, I am only aware of two cases of stealing from this site within the last five years. Maybe just because I (or we) don't know, or maybe, bahnbilder is not subject to those pic-stealing kiddies.

Unusually for the Brenner line a pair of 1116 locomotives head a southbound freight train. 1116 056 is the leading locomotive, the second locomotive being in City Airport Livery! 23 May 2013 (zum Bild)

Karl Heinz Ferk 30.1.2014 17:08
Wonderful Picture of the freigth Train

Greetings Karl Heinz

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